Customized Solutions
Client-Driven Portfolios
Your clients have defined their values, but how do they align their investments with those beliefs? We work with consultants and clients to develop consistent, measurable, and replicable guidelines that will satisfy a myriad of investment objectives and restrictions.
Assemblies of God, Baptist, Catholic/ USCCB, United Methodist Church, Latter Day Saints
Mature Content, Alcohol, Animal Welfare, Contraceptives, ESCR, Gambling, Life Ethics, Military Weapons, Firearms, Pharmaceuticals, Tobacco
Carbon Intensity, Climate Change, Nuclear Power, Coal, Oil & Gas
Gender Focus, Bribery & Fraud, Governance Structure
Proactive selection of equities which meet the requirements defined by the client
Child Labor, Civil Liberties, Discrimination & Diversity, Human Rights
Our Investment Process
You select the benchmark or allocation and tell us your constraints. We take it from there. Our optimization process works to control the risk of a client’s custom investment universe and objectives against many different benchmarks.